“I am a technical game designer, programmer, and sound designer driven by my passion to craft highly interactive, impactful, and immersive player experiences by designing and implementing robust gameplay systems from initial conception all the way to final polish. Whether I’m designing or programming games and software, performing music, or creating sound effects, nothing motivates and energizes me more than seeing others enjoy experiences that I helped create. My goal in life is to use my skills and talents to bring as much joy and positivity into other people’s lives as I possibly can.

As a strong teamplayer and leader with excellent time management skills, I constantly strive to get the job done on time to the highest degree of possible quality while simultaneously pushing myself to learn something new every day, whether it be related to game and software development or aviation,




My name is Karl Lewis and I am a Game Developer & Software Engineer who loves designing, tweaking, and balancing game systems with an equal passion for implementing systems in code. I graduated from Champlain College in 2020 with a B.S in Game Design and minor in Game Programming as well as a specialization in sonic arts for games, including sound design, production, and music. While these three areas are my focus, I also possess the necessary skills to work in any design or programming related role in a team setting and have fulfilled many different roles throughout my current and past team projects.

I currently live and work in Colorado Springs at a small aerospace company called Boecore Inc, where I am a Game Developer – Software Engineer developing a satellite training simulation game with Unity and C#.

My deepest passion lies in creating immersive, impactful, and highly interactive interactive experiences that transport users into a new reality in order to put a smile on their face. Truly nothing makes me more happy than seeing people enjoy experiences that I’ve helped bring to life!

My interests besides gaming include music (singing, guitar, piano), outdoor activities, linguistics, aviation, and more! I consider myself a life long learner, as I strive to learn something new about my profession or my outside interests every single day. I enjoy flying small airplanes in my spare time and currently hold a private pilot certificate with more ratings and endorsements on the way!

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Cash Force is a high-octane arcade VR shooting game where you take the role of an undercover cop gone rouge
Cash Force is a high-octane arcade VR shooting game where you take the role of an undercover cop gone rouge
Cash Force is a high-octane arcade VR shooting game where you take the role of an undercover cop gone rouge
A New Semester ...and we're back! After 14 weeks of development last semester (and a much needed winter break), I'm
Cash Force is a high-octane arcade VR shooting game where you take the role of an undercover cop gone rouge
Cash Force is a high-octane arcade VR shooting game where you take the role of an undercover cop gone rouge
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Cash Force is a high-octane arcade VR shooting game where you take the role of an undercover cop gone rouge
Cash Force is a high-octane arcade VR shooting game where you take the role of an undercover cop gone rouge
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